Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Day 24


Every exit is an entrance to some other place.

There goes my reason for living, there goes the one of my dreams, there goes my only possession, there goes my everything.

Engelbert Humperdick - There Goes My Everything


  1. What an original idea for entrance! Combined with "There goes my everything", it's just too funny. And clean. Too clean ;)

  2. Oh, my word, you have a very clean sink and drain! And what a great song choice. Love Engelbert and it's been ages since I listened to his stuff! Bill Cosby used to make me laugh when he called him Engelbert aHepatapus.

    Very nice clean lines and an effective image. Well done for out-of-the-box thinking.

  3. Nice and clean. You can even make a sink look elegant. Nice lighting to bring out all those chromy details.
